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openbsd:irc:eggdrop [2019/12/05 14:17]
openbsd:irc:eggdrop [2020/07/26 17:49]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +To install eggdrop:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-(Step 1) 
 $ cd ~ $ cd ~
-(Step 2) +ftp https://​​pub/​eggdrop/​source/​1.8/​eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz 
-wget https://​​pub/​eggdrop/​source/​1.8/​eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz+$ sha256 ​eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +The SHA256 Sum should be: 79644eb27a5568934422fa194ce3ec21cfb9a71f02069d39813e85d99cdebf9e
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-(Step 3) +$ tar xvzf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz 
-$ tar zxvf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz +$ rm eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz
-(Step 4) +
-$ rm -rf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz +
-(Step 5)+
 $ cd eggdrop-1.8.4 $ cd eggdrop-1.8.4
-(Step 6) 
 $ ./configure $ ./configure
-(Step 7) 
 $ make config $ make config
-(Step 8) 
 $ make $ make
-(Step 9) 
 $ make install $ make install
-(Step 10) 
 $ cd ~ $ cd ~
-(Step 11) 
 $ cd eggdrop $ cd eggdrop
-(Step 12+</​code>​ 
-$ ./eggdrop -m yourbotnick.conf+ 
 +Edit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.confusing nano or vi then run it using: 
 +$ ./eggdrop -m <​configuration filename>​.conf 
 +To verify the signature:​ 
 +$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF 
 +An Example for below configuration file. 
 +Core Setting Example: 
 +set admin "​ABC"​  
 +set nick "​Shooter"​  
 +set altnick "​Shooter_"​  
 +set realname "​Channel Bot" 
 +AN example of Set Server: 
 +set network "​ircnow"​  
 +set net-type "​5"​ 
 +set init-server { putserv "mode Shooter i" } 
 +set default-port 6667 
 +set servers {​6667​6667​6667 }  
 +Here is a simple configuration file to use. 
 +Just make sure to change all in CAPITAL LETTERS with your preferred settings. As demonstrated in above example. 
 +Strings with # as prefix are comments. Edit & save this config with your botname.conf . 
 +### Core Settings ###  
 +set admin "​OWNERNICK"​  
 +set nick "​BOTNICK"​  
 +set altnick "​ALTBOTNICK"​  
 +set realname "​CHANNEL BOT" 
 +#### SERVER MODULE #### 
 +# What is your network? 
 +# Type = Network Name 
 +#    0 = EFnet 
 +#    1 = IRCnet 
 +#    2 = Undernet 
 +#    3 = DALnet 
 +#    4 = +e/​+I/​max-modes 20 Hybrid 
 +#    5 = Others 
 +set network "​NETWORK NAME"  
 +set net-type "​5"​  
 +set init-server { putserv "mode BOTNICK i" }  
 +set default-port 6667  
 +set servers { 
 +  SSL.EXAMPLE.NET:​+6697 
 +set timezone "​GMT"​  
 +set offset "​0"​  
 +set env(TZ) "​$timezone $offset"​  
 +### Logfile Settings ###  
 +set max-logs 5  
 +set max-logsize 0  
 +set quick-logs 0  
 +set raw-log 0 
 +logfile mcobxs * "​logs/​BOTNICK.log"​ 
 +logfile jkp #​CHANNELNAME "​logs/#​CHANNELNAME.log"​ 
 +set log-time 1  
 +set keep-all-logs 1  
 +set logfile-suffix "​.%d%b%Y"​ 
 +set switch-logfiles-at 300  
 +set quiet-save 0  
 +### Console Settings ###  
 +set console "​mkcobxs"​  
 +### File & Directory Settings ###  
 +# Replace "​BOTNICK"​ below with your bot nick. 
 +set userfile "​BOTNICK.user"​  
 +set pidfile "​pid.BOTNICK"​  
 +set chanfile "​BOTNICK.chan"​  
 +set force-expire 0  
 +set share-greet 0  
 +set use-info 1  
 +set sort-users 0  
 +set help-path "​help/"​  
 +set text-path "​text/"​  
 +set temp-path "/​tmp"​  
 +set motd "​text/​motd"​  
 +set telnet-banner "​text/​banner"​  
 +set userfile-perm 0600  
 +set mod-path "​modules/"​  
 +##### BOTNET/​DCC/​TELNET ##### 
 +# Replace "​BOTNICK"​ below with your bot nick. 
 +set botnet-nick "​BOTNICK"​  
 +# If you wish to use only one port, use this format: 
 +# listen 3333 all 
 +# change the port number in order to open 
 +# the listen port. You should not keep this set to 3333. 
 +# Put your shell/​server listening port below and uncomment it. (remove # ) 
 +#listen 1337 all  
 +set remote-boots 0  
 +set shareunlinks 0-  
 +set protect-telnet 1  
 +set dcc-sanitycheck 1  
 +set ident-timeout 5  
 +set require-p 1  
 +set open-telnets 0  
 +set stealth-telnets 0  
 +set use-telnet-banner 0  
 +set connect-timeout 30  
 +set dcc-flood-thr 3  
 +set telnet-flood 5:60  
 +set paranoid-telnet-flood 1  
 +set resolve-timeout 15  
 +### Channel Settings ###  
 +loadmodule channels  
 +set default-flood-chan 15:60 
 +set default-flood-deop 3:10 
 +set default-flood-kick 3:10 
 +set default-flood-join 5:60 
 +set default-flood-ctcp 3:60 
 +set default-flood-nick 5:60 
 +set default-aop-delay 5:30 
 +set default-idle-kick 0 
 +set default-chanmode "​nt"​ 
 +set default-stopnethack-mode 0 
 +set default-revenge-mode 0 
 +set default-ban-type 3 
 +set default-ban-time 120 
 +set default-exempt-time 60 
 +set default-invite-time 60 
 +set default-chanset { 
 +        -autoop ​        ​-autovoice 
 +        -bitch ​         +cycle 
 +        +dontkickops ​   +dynamicbans 
 +        +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites 
 +        -enforcebans ​   +greet 
 +        -inactive ​      ​-nodesynch 
 +        -protectfriends +protectops 
 +        -revenge ​       -revengebot 
 +        -secret ​        ​-seen 
 +        +shared ​        ​-statuslog 
 +        +userbans ​      ​+userexempts 
 +        +userinvites ​   -protecthalfops 
 +        -autohalfop ​    ​-static 
 +# Replace your channel name with below-mentioned CHANNELNAME 
 +channel add #​CHANNELNAME {  
 +chanmode "​+tn"​  
 +idle-kick 0  
 +flood-chan 5:4  
 +flood-join 5:10  
 +flood-ctcp 3:60  
 +flood-deop 0:0  
 +flood-kick 0:0 }  
 +channel set #​CHANNELNAME -enforcebans -dynamicbans -autoop -autovoice -protectops -protectfriends 
 +### Advanced Settings ###  
 +set ignore-time 5  
 +set hourly-updates 00  
 +# Replace Your nick name with below mention “OWNERNICK” 
 +set owner "​OWNERNICK"​  
 +# Also replace below mention port no 1337 with your listening port no. 
 +set notify-newusers "​1337"​  
 +set default-flags "​hp"​  
 +set whois-fields "url birthday"​  
 +set die-on-sighup 0  
 +set die-on-sigterm 1 
 +# if you wish to disable the .tcl and .set commands. 
 +# Uncomment (Remove # ) from below these two lines. If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these 
 +#unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl  
 +#unbind dcc n set *dcc:set  
 +set muste-owner 1 
 +unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul  
 +set max-dcc 50  
 +set enable-simul 1  
 +set allow-dk-cmds 1  
 +set dupwait-timeout 5  
 +### Module Settings ###  
 +loadmodule dns 
 +loadmodule transfer  
 +loadmodule share  
 +loadmodule server  
 +loadmodule ctcp  
 +loadmodule irc  
 +loadmodule notes  
 +loadmodule console  
 +loadmodule blowfish  
 +checkmodule blowfish  
 +loadmodule uptime  
 +set keep-nick 1  
 +set strict-host 0  
 +set quiet-reject 1  
 +set lowercase-ctcp 0  
 +set answer-ctcp 3  
 +set flood-msg 5:5  
 +set flood-ctcp 3:60  
 +set never-give-up 1  
 +set strict-servernames 0  
 +set server-cycle-wait 60  
 +set server-timeout 60  
 +set servlimit 0  
 +set check-stoned 1  
 +set use-console-r 0  
 +set debug-output 0  
 +set serverror-quit 1  
 +set max-queue-msg 300  
 +set trigger-on-ignore 0  
 +set double-mode 0  
 +set double-server 0  
 +set double-help 0  
 +set optimize-kicks 1  
 +set stack-limit 4  
 +set ctcp-mode 0  
 +set bounce-bans 1  
 +set bounce-modes 0  
 +set max-bans 100  
 +set max-modes 30  
 +set kick-fun 0  
 +set ban-fun 0  
 +set learn-users 0  
 +set wait-split 600  
 +set wait-info 180  
 +set mode-buf-length 200  
 +bind msg - ident *msg:ident  
 +bind msg - addhost *msg:​addhost  
 +set no-chanrec-info 0  
 +set bounce-exempts 0  
 +set bounce-invites 0  
 +set max-exempts 20  
 +set max-invites 20  
 +set prevent-mixing 1  
 +set max-dloads 3  
 +set dcc-block 1024  
 +set copy-to-tmp 1  
 +set xfer-timeout 30  
 +set share-compressed 1  
 +set max-notes 50  
 +set note-life 60  
 +set allow-fwd 0  
 +set notify-users 1  
 +set notify-onjoin 1  
 +set console-autosave 1  
 +set force-channel 0  
 +set info-party 0  
 +### Script Settings ###  
 +# For additional TCL scripts, addition can be made under Script Settings . 
 +# You can add any desire tcl script example.tcl file in scripits folder: ​ /​user/​eggdrop/​scripts  
 +# and then can add below line as source scripts/​example.tcl 
 +# Resash the eggdrop after adding the scripts to work. 
 +source scripts/​alltools.tcl  
 +source scripts/​action.fix.tcl  
 +source scripts/​cmd_resolve.tcl  
 +source scripts/​compat.tcl
 </​code>​ </​code>​