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openbsd:irc:psybnc [2020/07/29 00:43]
openbsd:irc:psybnc [2020/07/29 01:19]
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-====== The Trouble with ZNC ====== 
-  - ZNC requires one connection per network. If a user wants to connect to 10 networks at once (freenode, ircnow, dal, efnet, etc), it requires him to set up 10 independent connections on his IRC client. This is almost impossible with mobile apps and very confusing for GUI apps. Practical experience has shown that <30% of bouncer users know how to do this. If you rely on ZNC, you will lose >70% of potential users. ZNC developers have declared they have zero interest in fixing this design flaw; in fact, they are proud of it. 
-  - ZNC is not designed for casual users. It requires reading far too much documentation in order to use. For example, typing /msg *status help shows a wall of text that only a sysadmin could understand. You have jargon like AddTrustedServerFingerprint,​ ClearAllChannelBuffers,​ and SetUserBindHost -- words that only a sysadmin could understand after reading through several pages of wikis. As sysadmins, we should configure all this for the end-user so the end-user does not have to read a single page of documentation. 
-  - ZNC relies on a web panel. There are two problems. First, I suspect this web panel cannot be easily customized without recompiling. Secondly, it does not follow the UNIX philosophy of Do One Thing and Do It Well. There is no need to bundle a web server with a bouncer. These should be two separate programs because they deal with two separate protocols/​objectives. 
-  - ZNC is written in C++, an ugly and inelegant language. 
-  - ZNC 
-====== Why psyBNC ====== 
-  - ZNC requires one connection per network 
 Note: you may want to create a new user for psybnc using the '​adduser'​ command? Or use chroot? Clarification should be added here. Note: you may want to create a new user for psybnc using the '​adduser'​ command? Or use chroot? Clarification should be added here.