$ doas pkg_add cgit
Inside /etc/httpd.conf:
server "git.ircnow.org" {
listen on * port 80
location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
root "/acme"
request strip 2
location * {
block return 302 "https://$HTTP_HOST$REQUEST_URI"
server "git.ircnow.org" {
listen on * tls port 443
tls {
certificate "/etc/ssl/git.ircnow.org.fullchain.pem"
key "/etc/ssl/private/git.ircnow.org.key"
location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
root "/acme"
request strip 2
location "*~" {
block drop
location "/cgit.*" {
root "/cgit"
no fastcgi
root "/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi"
fastcgi socket "/run/slowcgi.sock"
Unconfirmed: you may need 'no fastcgi' inside the acme block to enable renewal of certs.
Make sure also to edit /var/www/conf/cgitrc: