This is an old revision of the document!

First, you must check to see if SSL is supported. Enter the following command inside any mIRC window:

//echo -ag $sslready

If the output is $false, run this command:

/server 6667 username/network:password

Replace username with your username, network with your desired network (for example dal or oftc), and password with your password.

The above connection is *very* insecure. It is better if you upgrade mIRC to support SSL, or download Hexchat, which is free of charge and open source.

If the output is $true, you can continue.

Select server. Edit your ZNC server.

Here is a sample configuration for freenode:

Description: freenode-bnc
For Address:
Ports: +6697
Password: user123/freenode:pass123

Replace user123 with your real username, and pass123 with your real password. Make sure that you include the plus sign '+' for port 6697 to ensure your chat messages are encrypted.

When you use more then one bouncer go to Alt+R choose tab Remote

on *:start: {
  server +6697 user123/freenode:pass123
  server -m +6697 user124/freenode:pass123
  server -m +6697 user125/freenode:pass123
  server -m +6697 user126/freenode:pass123

Replace user123 with your real username, and pass123 with your real password.