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fdm stands for fetch and deliver mail. It fetches mail from a POP3 or IMAP server to your computer so you can read it locally using a mail client like bsd mail.

In ~/.fdm.conf:

set no-received # don't insert a ‘Received’ header into each mail
set verify-certificates # verify SSL certificates
# Catch-all action (mbox):
action "inbox" mbox "/var/mail/%u" # download mail in mbox format to /var/mail/user123
# Catch-all action (maildir):
#action "inbox" maildir "%h/Mail/INBOX" # download mail in maildir format to ~/Mail/INBOX, but commented out

account "user123" imaps server ""
 user "" pass "pass123" new-only keep

# Match all mail and deliver using the 'inbox' action.
match all action "inbox"

Replace user123 and pass123 with your real username and password.