Bitlbee helps act as a bridge from IRC to For example, you can use Bitlbee to connect IRC to Telegram, Discord, or Slack. The core of bitlbee itself is written in C.

First, let's install the package:

$ doas pkg_add bitlbee-3.6p0-libpurple

The developers suggest not installing bitlbee-3.6p0-libpurple-otr if you plan to provide a public bitlbee instance. This is because the encryption provided by OTR (Off-the-Record) is undermined by the fact that the sysadmin can intercept the messages in plaintext. It gives a false sense of security. Moreover, OTR messaging is often broken when the same account is used with other XMPP clients besides bitlbee.

Edit /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf:

RunMode = ForkDaemon
User = _bitlbee
# Bitlbee will only be bound to localhost on port 6668
DaemonInterface =
DaemonPort = 6668
OperPassword = pass123
AllowAccountAdd 1
HostName =

Replace pass123 with your own password. We set bitlbee to be bound to localhost on port 6668, which users of our bouncer will be able to connect to.

To start bitlbee:

$ doas rcctl enable bitlbee
$ doas rcctl start bitlbee

Discord Support

Use sm00th's bitlbee-discord plugin. Here is a convenient port provided by namtsui:

$ cvs -d checkout -P ports/net/bitlbee-discord/

Telegram Support

$ doas pkg_add telegram-purple-1.3.1p2