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Disk quotas

Disk quotas are used to place limits on the amount of disk space available to certain users and groups. There are two types of quotas - soft and hard quotas.

  1. soft quotas - allows further disk allocation but once threshold is reached, warns users and sets a grace period time so they can decrease their disk usage below limits. After the grace period is over, the soft limit is handled as a hard limit
  2. hard quotas - does not allow any more disk allocation once threshold is reached.

Currently, IRCNow's shell limits disk usage to 8GB (soft) and 11GB (hard) and users have 1 week to decrease disk usage.

Setting up

To enable quotas, We need to mark all the desired filesystems by adding the keywords userquota and/or groupquota in fstab(5) for each filesystem We want to be able to enforce quotas.

/dev/sda.a /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,userquota 1 2

Defining limits

To set thresholds, We use edquota(8). Keep in mind that values are measured in KB (1MB equals to 1000KB).

edquota(8) invokes vi(1) unless you specify other editor.

$ edquota [-u] PiRATA
Quotas for user PiRATA:
/home: KBytes in use: 62, limits (soft = 256000, hard = 512000)
        inodes in use: 25, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)
$ edquota -g staff
Quotas for group staff:
/home: KBytes in use: 62, limits (soft = 1000000, hard = 1500000)
        inodes in use: 25, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)       

On the first above, PiRATA can use up to 512MB on his $HOME. On the latter, all staff users are limited to 15GB of disk space.

Now, what if you need to define a certain threshold for 7 or 8 users or even 50? What would you do? Probably you would use edquota(8) for each user.

Gladly, We don't need to - by invoking the -p option we can have the thresholds replicated:

# edquota -p PiRATA jrmu jimmy_will dennis  

By invoking the -t option, grate time can be defined:

$ edquota -t search_social
Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, or seconds
Grace period before enforcing soft limits for users:
/home: block grace period: 7 days, file grace period: 7 days

Enabling/Disabling quotas

To turn on or off disk quotas, use quotaon(8) and/or quotaoff(8).

// Enables disk quotas on all filyesystems that have the user/diskquota flag defined on fstab(5)
$ quotaon -a
// Disables disk quotas for user net_wayfarer
$ quotaoff -u net_wayfarer

Displaying limits

quota(1) outputs current disk usage and limits. By default, only the user quotas are printed but you can see group quotas by invoking -g option.

$ quota jrmu
Disk quotas for user jrmu (uid 1012): 
  Filesystem  KBytes    quota   limit   grace    files   quota   limit   grace
       /home    3704  5000000 10000000              58        0       0        

Checking filesystem consistency

quotacheck(8) examines each filesystem, builds a table of current disk usage, and compares this table against that recorded in the disk quota file for the filesystem. If any inconsistencies are detected, both the quota file and the current system copy of the incorrect quotas are updated (the latter only occurs if an active filesystem is checked).

This verification runs at boot time before enabling disk quotas with quotaon(8).