Almanack /
#!/bin/ksh # note to users that have email server running with our guide that vusers is the virtuals is what the virtual # users is listed in table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals on the guide setup for smtpd! vusers is what i got # them setup on nastycode vps! # have any questions feel free to email me at for more help or catch me on irc on # on channel #nastycode VMAIL_USER=vmail VMAIL_ROOT=/var/vmail VMAIL_UID="$(id -ru $VMAIL_USER)" VMAIL_GID="$(id -rg $VMAIL_USER)" MAIL_CONF_DIR=/etc/mail MAIL_CONF=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/smtpd.conf CERT_DIR="/etc/ssl" PASSWD=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/passwd DOMAINS=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/domains HOSTS=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/hosts USERS=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/users VUSERS=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/vusers ALIASES=$MAIL_CONF_DIR/aliases DOVECOT=/etc/dovecot/users.txt export MAIL_CONF_DIR MAIL_CONF CERT_DIR ALIASES PASSWD DOMAINS HOSTS USERS VUSERS DOVECOT VMAIL_USE prompt() { prompt="$1" default="$2" result="$3" echo "${PURPLE}${BOLD}$prompt [$default] ${NORM}\c" read "$result" [ -z "$(eval echo \$$result)" ] && eval "$result=$default" } prompt_bool() { prompt="$1" default="$2" echo "${PURPLE}${BOLD}$prompt (y/n) [$default] ${NORM}\c" read res case "${res:-$default}" in y | yes | Y | YES) return 0;; esac return 1 } prompt_password() { prompt="$1" result="$2" echo "${PURPLE}${BOLD}$prompt ${NORM}\c" stty -echo read "$result" stty echo echo } panic() { msg="$1" echo "${RED}${BOLD}$msg${NORM}" exit 1 } log_file() { exec 3>&1 tee /dev/fd/3 | perl -pe 's/\033[^m]+m//g' >>"$1" # strip control characters exec 3>&- } postinstall() { log_file "$POSTINSTALL" } log() { log_file "$LOGS" } # Colors RED="\033[0;31m" YELLOW="\033[0;33m" BOLD="\033[1m" PURPLE="\033[0;35m" GREEN="\033[0;32m" NORM="\033[0m" export RED YELLOW BOLD PURPLE GREEN NORM [ -z "$USER_NAME" ] && USER_NAME="$(whoami)" [ -z "$DOMAIN_NAME" ] && DOMAIN_NAME="" [ -z "$MAIL_DOMAIN" ] && MAIL_DOMAIN="" [ -z "$VPN_DOMAIN" ] && VPN_DOMAIN="" export USER_NAME DOMAIN_NAME MAIL_DOMAIN VPN_DOMAIN [ -z "$POSTINSTALL" ] && POSTINSTALL="$(dirname $0)/post-install.txt" [ -z "$LOGS" ] && LOGS="$(dirname $0)/logs.txt" export POSTINSTALL LOGS # Creates a virtual user for mail # Usage: create_user <username> [<password>] # Environment: DOMAIN_NAME, VMAIL_USER, VMAIL_UID, VMAIL_GID, VMAIL_ROOT, username="$1" password="$2" [ -z "$username" ] && prompt "Specify a user" "$USER_NAME " username [ -z "$username" ] && panic "Username cannot be empty" [ -z "$password" ] && prompt_password "Enter password for user $username:" password [ -z "$password" ] && panic "Password cannot be empty" encrypted_password=$(smtpctl encrypt "$password") unset password echo "${YELLOW}Creating user $username for domain $DOMAIN_NAME${NORM}" echo "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME}:${encrypted_password}" | doas tee -a "$PASSWD" >/dev/null echo "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME}:${encrypted_password}" | doas tee -a "/etc/dovecot/users.txt" >/dev/null echo "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME} $VMAIL_USER" | doas tee -a "$VUSERS" >/dev/nullecho "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME} $VMAIL_USER" | doas tee -a "$VUSERS" >/dev/null echo "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME}: "${username}@${DOMAIN_NAME} | doas tee -a "$USERS" >/dev/null doas rcctl reload dovecot || panic "Failed to reload dovecot" doas smtpctl update table domains || panic "Failed to update table 'domains'" doas smtpctl update table passwd || panic "Failed to update table 'passwd'" doas smtpctl update table users || panic "Failed to update table 'users'" doas smtpctl update table vusers || panic "Failed to update table 'vusers'" doas smtpctl update table hosts || panic "Failed to update table 'hosts'" doas rcctl restart dovecot smtpd relayd httpd unbound echo "${GREEN}User created${NORM}"