Ircnow /
Become an Op of Liberty

Ops of Liberty are an elite corps of trained staff, ready to help users with their tech support needs. Named after the Sons of Liberty, the mission of Ops is to defend liberty for users on the network.
Your Reward
- Become an IRC oper on IRCNow
- Free Homestead VPS
- Learn UNIX sysadmin with real servers
- Hang out with friends while improving IRC
- Add a new work experience for your CV/resume
- Help improve freedom on the internet
Note: This is an unpaid volunteer position.
How to Apply
- Request a shell account
- Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our commitment to user freedom.
- Send an email to We'll interview you, and if all seems good, we'll invite you to train with us.
- Finish the Ops Bootcamp.
- After you finish training, you'll be promoted to staff!
Your Duties
- Commit to help your team for a minimum of 5 hours per week
- Finish the Ops Bootcamp.
- You can optionally learn sysadmin with us.
- You must be willing to help with customer support and user documentation
- Track our progress on the roadmap
- See the report on IRCNow Finances